Additional Trademark Services

Trademark Logo Search

Before you trademark your logo, it’s crucial that a comprehensive trademark search is conducted to ensure it doesn’t conflict with existing trademarks. This research focuses on pending and registered Federal Trademarks to prevent rejections due to the likelihood of confusion with existing marks.

The USPTO assigns numeric codes to each element of your logo, which are used when conducting a trademark logo search. When it comes to a comprehensive search, it’s not just about these codes. At TradeMark Express, we delve deeper by also exploring similar design codes to ensure a thorough examination of potential trademark conflicts.

Only Federal Trademark databases can be comprehensively searched for logo designs. State trademarks and Common Law logo databases are not available for the level of comprehensive research TradeMark Express provides. However, we do include a search of state trademark databases and the internet for potentially similar images at no additional cost.

TradeMark Express offers Federal Trademark logo search and application preparation for $800, requiring 4–7 days for this in-depth process.

REMINDER: Filing fees for a Federal USPTO trademark are separate. When you file the prepared application we deliver via email, you’ll need to pay a filing fee of $350 per class.

Contact us for a free consultation to determine if a Federal Trademark search is necessary for your logo.

Trademark Renewals

Once you get a trademark, there are some key things you need to do to keep it. First off, you have to continuously use your trademark in business. You also need to regularly file specific paperwork to prove you’re still using it. If you miss the deadline for filing this paperwork, your trademark could be canceled.

This is also a perfect time to have protective trademark research conducted in order to find potential trademark infringers. The USPTO “only registers marks. You, as the mark owner, are solely responsible for enforcement.”

The USPTO will not police your marks for you and leave it up to the owners to maintain, protect, and enforce their own marks.

When your USPTO registered trademark reaches 5 years of continuous use
Between the 5th and 6th years after the registration date, the USPTO mandates filing either a Section 8 Declaration or a Section 8 & 15 Declaration to confirm ongoing use.

Fees for filing are $225 per class for a Section 8 Declaration and $425 per class for combined Section 8 & 15 Declarations. For either form, one specimen per class is also required. Failure to file will lead to trademark cancellation.

At TradeMark Express, we provide two options for the Sections 8/8 & 15 trademark process:

(1) $400 for USPTO Section 8/Sections 8 & 15 Filing ONLY (USPTO fees separate)

(2) $700 for Combined Protective Search + Sections 8/8 & 15 Filing (USPTO fees separate)
– This includes a $300 discount off filing
– Comprehensive Search: Federal & State Trademark search and Common Law search
– Analysis of search results are included
– Referral to our trademark attorney network for assistance in determining if legal action against potential infringers is necessary
When your USPTO registered trademark reaches 10 years of continuous use

Between the 9th and 10th years after the registration date, the USPTO mandates filing a Section 8 Declaration & 9 Renewal to confirm ongoing use. The Sections 8 & 9 must be filed every 10 years after that.

Fees for filing are $525 per class for the combined Section 8 Declaration & 9 Renewal. One specimen per class is also required. Failure to file will lead to trademark cancellation.

At TradeMark Express, we provide two options for the Sections 8 & 9 trademark process:

(1) $400 for USPTO Sections 8 & 9 Filing ONLY (USPTO fees separate).

(2) $700 for Combined Protective Search + Sections 8 & 9 Filing (USPTO fees separate).

– This includes a $300 discount off filing

– Comprehensive Research: Federal & State Trademark search and Common Law search

– Analysis of search results are included

– Referral to our trademark attorney network for assistance in determining if legal action against potential infringers is necessary

If you own a registered trademark, it’s essential to conduct protective trademark research to defend your rights, protect your brand’s reputation, and avoid expensive legal battles.

This research helps you identify and address any unauthorized use of your trademark, ensuring you maintain exclusive control over your brand identity. It also allows you to swiftly deal with any infringement, preserving the trustworthiness of your goods or services in the eyes of consumers. By proactively managing your trademark’s usage, you can prevent potentially costly legal disputes, saving both time & money that can be better invested in growing your business.

Remember, the responsibility of enforcing your trademark lies solely with you as the trademark owner. The USPTO does not handle this duty, leaving the maintenance, protection, and enforcement of trademarks solely in the hands of trademark owners.

Trademark Monitoring

As a trademark owner, it’s your responsibility to enforce your rights, as the USPTO does not monitor the use of trademarks. This means you must identify and address potential trademark infringements on your own.

So, what is trademark infringement?

Trademark infringement occurs when someone uses a trademark or service mark without authorization, leading to confusion, deception, or mistake about the source of goods or services.

Monitoring is the most straightforward and economical approach to identifying possible trademark infringers.

TradeMark Express has two monitoring plans available:

6-Month Plan – $200

– Coverage: USA Federal & State Trademark Monitoring

– Monthly email updates

– Access to our network of trademark attorneys for advice on potential legal actions

24-Month Plan – $800

– Coverage: USA Federal & State Trademark Monitoring

– Monthly email updates

– Access to our network of trademark attorneys for advice on potential legal actions

– Includes a FREE Common Law search ($300 value) to identify unregistered potential infringers

Multiple Name Discounts

Looking to search multiple names? TradeMark Express offers discounted Premium Package rates for orders of 3 or more names. Call or email us for a customized bid.

If your search names share a common word, they might be combined into one search. Contact us to find out if you qualify for a discount on trademark services for common word combinations.

Searching for just one name? It’s best to search them individually rather than paying for multiple names at once.

Get in touch for a free consultation on the best approach for your needs.

Pay As You Go

TradeMark Express will search your mark in the pending and registered Federal and State Trademark files and in the US Common Law files and if clear, prepare your US Federal Trademark Application — each step will be completed per your request.

How It Works

$300 US Federal & State Trademark Search & Analysis

Get started with a free direct hit trademark search at the US Trademark Office (USPTO) to quickly check for conflicts with your desired name. If an issue arises, we’ll connect you with our trademark attorney network for further guidance.

Once the initial check clears, we conduct a thorough search of both Federal and State trademark records, adhering to USPTO guidelines. We examine similarities in sound, appearance, and meaning, including synonyms, alternate spellings, and word placements, ensuring a comprehensive search.

Following the search, we provide a free analysis of the results. If conflicts or strong similarities are found, we pause the process and involve our trademark attorney network for additional consultation.

This is a huge benefit as no other trademark service offers analysis, attorney time, and step-by-step research.

$300 US Common Law Search & Analysis

We thoroughly search for the commercial availability of your name across various sources, including public records, internet domains, company directories, major newspapers, magazines, trade journals, and beyond. Businesses possess “first use” or Common Law rights to their trade names within their respective trade areas. This Common Law search aids in identifying any trade restrictions that might impact your trademark.

Following the search, we provide a free analysis of the results. If conflicts or strong similarities are found, we pause the process and refer you to our trademark attorney network for additional consultation.

$400 US Federal Trademark Application Preparation

Once searches are clear or after consulting with an attorney, proceed to the trademark application. When you got your order confirmation email, you also got an application worksheet. Fill it out completely.

We’ll use this to prepare your US Federal trademark application, assisting you with the USPTO Manual for pre-approved descriptions of goods or services. After submitting the completed worksheet, we’ll prepare your US Federal trademark application and help you submit it. This usually takes 2-3 days.

Just a reminder:

The filing fees for State or Federal USPTO trademarks are separate. When you file the prepared application we deliver to you via email, you’ll need to pay the filing fee. For Federal applications, it’s $350 per class. State fees vary by State.

Save $200 on application preparation and filing by choosing our Premium Package. This all-inclusive option covers everything you need to trademark your name while also reducing your expenses by $200! Please note, the USPTO fees are $350 per class.

Competitive Checks

After completing our research, if any similarities or conflicts arise, we suggest a competitive check. While our research offers insights into competing goods/services, trade areas, customers, and distribution channels, contacting the companies directly provides a comprehensive understanding of their mark’s rights and their impact on your intended trade name usage.

We don’t automatically conduct competitive checks as clients often prefer to handle this themselves, given their familiarity with their goods/services and proposed trade area. When conducting your own check, approach it as a customer inquiry rather than a competitor seeking to use the same name.

Our TradeMark Express competitive check for any research conflicts or similarities is $100 per hour with a 15-minute minimum, covering all expenses, including additional online research.

Schedule a Free Expert Trademark Consultation

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Simply fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Washington D.C. Office

Hours: 10am – 7pm | Mon – Fri EST

Address: 2000 Pennsylvania Ave, Ste 1010, 20006

Phone: (800) 340-2010

Local: (202) 496-1600

Fax: (202) 204-5841


Silicon Valley, CA Office

Hours: 8am – 4pm | Mon – Fri, PST

Address: 4546 El Camino Real, Ste 238, Los Altos, CA, 94022

Phone: (800) 776-0530

Local: (650) 948-0530

Fax: (650) 948-0527
