What is a trademark?
Why do I need a trademark?

Want to read about trademarks? Check out our guide on How to Trademark a Name

How does TradeMark Express
accomplish my new trademark?

Learn more about the TradeMark Express process

Free Expert Trademark Consultations - Now

Unlock the perfect trademark strategy tailored just for you. Every business is unique, and so are its trademark needs. Let’s find your winning formula together.

Reach out to us for a free expert trademark consultation. Call us now or click on the Zoom link at the top of this page to schedule your session instantly.

Let’s Talk Numbers
Years in Business - since 1992, TradeMark Express is North America's oldest & most successful trademark service
0 +
Comprehensive Searches - Preliminary, Trademark, & Common Law
0 K+
Databases for Federal, State, & Common Law Trademark Searches
0 +
Savings vs. trademark attorney for LIKE work - do not compare us to negligent attorneys or incompetent trademark services
$ 0 +

The TradeMark Express Way to Get a Successful Trademark. The First Time.


Expert Consultation

Our trademark services start with a free trademark consultation tailored to your needs. Call, Zoom, or schedule via Calendly.

Need to legally clear a name, logo, or slogan? Wondering if you need a trademark now? Unsure if your logo is trademarkable? Let’s discuss it today.


Trademark Research

Comprehensive trademark services must include a thorough trademark search, covering Federal, State, and Common-Law databases, using top-tier legal trademark resources. Typically takes 6 hours.


Thorough Comprehensive Legal Research Analysis

TradeMark Express offers a cost-effective trademark service. Our step-by-step search approach includes thorough analysis & trademark attorney access to ensure your mark is legally clear, identifying any conflicts or similarities.

10 Trademark Attorneys

Attorney Network

The trademark attorneys in our network are located in Washington DC, Chicago, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Brussels, Hong Kong, & South Africa.

USA Federal, USA 50 States, Canada, or Worldwide

File Trademark Application

We craft your trademark application to expand the reach of your goods and/or services for maximum coverage. The goal is to be meticulous in order to prevent errors and refusals that waste time and money. Typically takes 3 hours.

Premier Comprehensive Trademark Services with Expert Research-Based Solutions

If your legal research isn't comprehensive, then it isn't done.

Contact Form

If you prefer we can contact you at your convenience.

Simply fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Washington D.C. Office

Hours: 10am – 7pm | Mon – Fri EST

Address: 2000 Pennsylvania Ave, Ste 1010, 20006

Phone: (800) 340-2010

Local: (202) 496-1600

Fax: (202) 204-5841

E-mail: staff@tmexpress.com

Silicon Valley, CA Office

Hours: 8am – 4pm | Mon – Fri, PST

Address: 4546 El Camino Real, Ste 238, Los Altos, CA, 94022

Phone: (800) 776-0530

Local: (650) 948-0530

Fax: (650) 948-0527

E-mail: staff@tmexpress.com